Players of the month

Gabrielle Gélinas

Gabrielle Gelinas Studio - Low End Nation - Online Bass Guitar Lessons from beginner to advanced bass lessons!

Gabrielle Gélinas is a professional bassist known for her powerful grooves, energetic stage presence and her contagious good vibes. Based in Montreal, this young woman finished her jazz performance degree in 2017 at Université Laval in Quebec and has already been working with notable Canadian artists such as Nikki Yanofsky, Jean-Pierre Ferland, René Simard, Nathalie Simard, Marjo, Normand Brathwaite and many more. Acting as bass player as well as music director, Gabrielle is working on stage, on TV and in studio to share the joy of music and support various artists and events. Follow her journey on social media and on her website:

Instagram: @gabriellegelinasbass


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